
Mittsommerfest im echten Norden

Mittsommerfest im echten Norden

  Als wir hierher auf den schönen Gutshof zogen, hatten wir die Idee, nicht nur Haus gegen Haus zu tauschen, sondern hier etwas besonderes zu schaffen. Was genau das sein würde, war nicht konkret sondern wuchs Jahr für Jahr. Wir...

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A new start for Mumutane

A new start for Mumutane

The German-based brand Lumikello has acquired the award-winning Danish design brand Mumutane. The synergy between Lumikello and Mumutane is undeniable – from product quality to their shared commitment to conscious consumerism. Both brands are distinguished by their unorthodox use of...

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Eine Reise nach Griechenland

A trip to Greece

It's been half a year since I received a message on Instagram. By Areti. She comes from the north of Greece and is in charge of a social project. And whether I'm interested in buying their products. The “no” was...

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Eine norddeutsche Tafel mit französischer Tischkultur

A North German table with French table culture

Bienvenue. How happy I was when my cooperation partner from last year, the traditional French company Degrenne, asked me if I would like to stage their products. I love setting tables so much - not least because it's such a...

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